Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - Coco Chanel

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Shoe Collection

Hello, lovlies! So I've been watching a lot of videos on Youtube where certain girls show their shoes and talk about them, so I've decided to make a video myself with all of the shoes I have. It's not a very big collection, but I appreciate what I have. I really enjoy watching these kind of videos and I hope you'll like mine. :) Bye,Bye!

Hola,chicas! En los últimos dias he estado viendo muchos videos de Youtube dónde ciertas chicas enseñan su colección de zapatos y por eso decidí hacer uno yo misma. No tengo una colección muy grande, pero me conformo con lo que tengo y aprecio cada uno de los pares. Me gusta mucho ver ese tipo de videos, y espero que a vosotras os guste el mio! :) Adiós!


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